Thursday, 7 February 2013

Body Growth Vestige Colostrum

Body Growth Vestige Colostrum

Vestige Colostrum is a rich natural source of Immunoglobulins that helps in strengthening 
the immune system and increases protection against various diseases. Collected within the 
first 6 hours after a calf’s birth, Bovine Colostrum maintains nature's perfect balance of 
immunological and body regulating biologically active proteins
It is a complete formula of essential vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids & amino acids 
required for the optimal functioning of the body and maintaining overall health

Bovine Colostrum is the initial lacteal secretion produced by the mammary glad of a mother cow before the production of milk. Any secretion thereafter is termed as transitional colostrums.

Only Colostrum collected within 0-6 hours after childbirth maintains a balance between immunological and body regulating active proteins and is known as Bovine Colostrum.

Colostrum contains many beneficial substances, the most important of these substances are : Immunoglobins, lactoferin, proline-rich polypeptide, cytokines and vitamins.

Bovine Colostrum is very similar to whey proteins efficiency ration. Furthermore, it is low in fat and is lactose free. Bovine colostrums has been known its role in improving strength and power outputs in case of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It is also known for its naturally high levels of insulin like growth factors, specifically IGF-I.

Vestige Colostrum is richer in certain factors than milk. It has higher amounts of Immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines, and nucleosides than found in milk. It also contains oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, and immune-regulating factors.

Benefits of Vestige Colostrum :

Contains 5 Vital Immunoglobulis & protease inhibitors
Over 8 type of growth factors including Insulin like growth factors
Helps boost the body immune system
Rebuilds & repair cellular tissues
Energizes the body
Promotes good health and longevity
Vestige Colostrum may be helpful in Slow growth, autoimmunes problems, yeast infections, flu, stomach bacteria, stomach ulcers.

Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.

Detox Patch Vestige

 Detox Patch Vestige

Vestige Detox Foot Patches works on the principles of reflexology, which is based on the concept that areas on the foot correspond to other areas of the body, and that manipulating these improve health. They are 100% natural, s
Benefits of Vestige Detox foot patch
Works on the principles of foot reflexology
Removes toxins from our body
Improves our immune system
Promotes better health & longevity
Foot Reflexology

Foot Reflexology encourages the body to work naturally to restores its own healthy balance. A toxic body simply cannot maintain the normal cleansing performance required to maintain optimal health. Overtime, if these toxins are not removed, they may lead to various debilitating and chronic health conditions.
However, once the various body components that may have been adversely affected by the toxins are cleansed, the body makes its natural adjustments to return to its original state of health. Also, as the body releases these toxins, the negative health symptoms that may have been caused by the toxic overload usually start to recede and may even disappear altogether.

Vestige Detox Foot Patch may help revitalize the body, enhance blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, improve quality of sleep and promote better health and longevity. By placing the Detox Foot Patches on the soles of the feet before bedtime, they will unleash the toxins from the body during sleep.Three hours after applying Vestige Detox Foot Patch, the blood circulates to the previously cold foot and the temperature of the foot rises.
Vestige Detox Foot Patch

Vestige Detox Foot Patch may help revitalize the body, enhance blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, improve quality of sleep and promote better health and longevity. By placing the Detox Foot Patches on the soles of the feet before bedtime, they will unleash the toxins from the body during sleep.Three hours after applying Vestige Detox, the blood circulates to the previously cold foot and the temperature of the foot rises.
How to Use Vestige Detox foot patch
Simply apply a Detox Patch to the soles of your feet, before going to bed
You will see a significant change in the smell & colour of the patch in the morning
This will show the amount and degree of toxins extracted from the body

Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Best For Arthritis

Best For Arthritis
Vestige Glucosamine

Arthritis affects countless millions of people all over the world.
About 2 % under the age of 45.
About 30% between the age of  45 & 64.
About 63.85 % over the age of 65.
Usually begins after the age of 40.
Develops gradually over several years.
A healthy cartilage needs 3 things –
1.Water for hydration, lubrication & nourishment.
2.Proteoglycans to attract & hold water.
3.Collagen to keep Proteoglycans securely in place.
Proteoglycans are water attracting molecules & hold water in them to lubricate & nourish the cartilage.
Without these water attracting molecules, the cartilage losses its ability to absorb shock.
As a result of dried cartilage leads to joint degeneration.
Glucosamine is a Glucosaminoglycan (GAG). GAG's are long chain of amino acids that are found in high concentration in SEA SHELLS.
Glucosamine is a natural amino sugar comprising glucose, glutamine & sulpher.
Glucosamine is being used worldwide as the natural supplement to NSAID's. (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs)
Tried & tested all across the world.
Search on Google yields more than 19,18,000 results for Glucosamine.

1.Helps the body to repair the damaged & eroded cartilage.
2. Improves the nourishment of cartilage.
3.Stimulates synovial fluid production, thereby providing analgesic & anti – inflammatory properties.
1. Helps to attracts fluid into the proteoglycans molecules.
2. Helps build healthy new cartilage.
3. Protects the existing cartilage.

Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.



Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Vestige Slimming patch

Vestige Slimming patch

Slimming Patches

Hoodia and Garcinia Cambogia are 100% natural ingredients that work towards suppressing appetite without compromising on nutritional values to provide ample nourishment to the body. These capsules enhance metabolism, convert fat to energy, and help burn more calories, while increasing energy levels and boosting immunity.

About the Product
Vestige Slimming Patch is 100% natural and works on reducing weight and managing it over the time in a completely healthy way. The slimming patch is specially designed to melt the body’s fat deposits by bringing the fat ions in to action and converting them into energy. It can be applied to body parts with excess fat(especially body curves like arch of the foot, thighs, arms, abdomen & waist) where it is able to absorb the oil ions. Use the slimming patch regularly to see actual long lasting results.

Works on focused body parts for :

Increased blood circulation
Faster metabolism
Reduced water retention
Conversion of fat in to energy
Detoxifying the system
Promoting weight loss
Aiding in weight management
Contains nature’s miraculous fat burning ingredients :

Phyllostachys Pubescens
Black Haw
Folium Sennae
Vitamin C etc.
Phyllostachys Pubescens
A natural liquid, derived from the condensation procured in bamboo charcoal production
Its natural abundance of organic nutrients, make it an especially good method to pull out toxins in the body
It is a mild compound that has a variety of health benefits that especially aid in detoxification, sanitation and improvements in circulation
Black Haw
Known to be able to improve digestion
Black Haw has a unique anti- inflammatory effect and is also used in case of cramps and spasms
Black Haw's relaxant and sedative actions help reduce blood pressure
Folium Sennae
Has a powerful cathartic used in the treatment of constipation, working through a stimulation of intestinal peristalsis.
Also referred to as a ‘cleansing herb’ for its unique cleansing properties.
Helps in weight management as it keeps the system clean & detoxified
Vestige Slimming Patch
Works on focused body parts for :

Increased blood circulation
Faster metabolism
Reduced water retention
Conversion of fat in to energy
Detoxifying the system
Promoting weight loss
Aiding in weight management
How does Vestige Slimming Patch work?
Our body extracts the nutrients from the food that we consume

These nutrients are then converted in to either fat or energy depending on their nutritional value and the needs of the body.

The calories consumed by us affect our energy levels needed to carry out day-to-day activities .

How does Vestige Slimming Patch work?
We gain weight when the calories consumed by us are more than the calories spent by us

Vestige Slimming Patch absorbs the extra fat ions from the body while reducing the calorie content present in the body

How does Vestige Slimming Patch work?
To lose weight, you have to break the body’s fat cells’ ‘inertial memories’ of storing fat and adopt a new healthy lifestyle for at least 3 months (about 100 days).

Because the body’s cells renew every 100 days, your old cells which have the old ‘inertial memories’ will die, and get replaced by the new cells which have the new ‘inertial memories’ of burning more fat that help you in not regaining weight.
How to apply Vestige Slimming Patch?
Apply patches before going to bed, allow it to work while you are asleep and remove them the next morning and wash properly .

Use for at least 100 days to see actual long lasting results

Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.

Vestige Slimming Capsules

Vestige Slimming Capsules

Slimming Capsules
Hoodia and Garcinia Cambogia are 100% natural ingredients that work towards suppressing appetite without compromising on nutritional values to provide ample nourishment to the body. These capsules enhance metabolism, convert fat to energy, and help burn more calories, while increasing energy levels and boosting immunity.

What is meant by being Overweight? • Before we define the term ‘overweight’, we should understand the concept of BMI(Body Mass Index) • BMI is a measurement of an individuals body weight divided by the square of his or her height • With BMI it becomes easier to calculate one’s wellness on the basis of the measurement • For eg. Body weight = 75 kg and height = 1.62 m(162 cms), the BMI would be 28.6 75 28.6 2.62(1.62 x 1.62)
4. • BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater So anyone who has a BMI of 25 or above is considered Overweight or Obese
5. Main causes of being Overweight• Sedentary lifestyles• Poor eating habits• Genetics• Medical and psychiatric illness
6. Health Concerns• Being overweight or obese leads to a number of ailments: • Cardiovascular diseases • Hypertension • High cholesterol • Arthritis, Immobility • Diabetes • Flatulence • Infertility • Depression • Low self esteem • Reduced life expectancy
7. Overweight or Obesity is actually a THREAT TOLIFE for its possible effects on the human body
8. How to manage our weight?• Improved diet pattern (healthy eating, meals on time, controlled or measured eating)• Exercise• Including health/nutritional supplements to control bingeing• Diet Suppressants that control over- eating without compromising on nutrition
9. VESTIGE WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Vestige has introduced a revolutionary weight management system that works on reducing body fat while providing ample nutrition and sustaining energy levels.The first step in weight management works atcontrolling one’s diet and combining it with asupervised workoutWeight Management = 80% Diet + 20% Exercise
10. Vestige Slimming CapsulesVestige Slimming Capsules include a combination of 100% naturalingredients • Hoodia Gordonii, • Garcenia Combogia, • Coleus ForskohliiHOODIA GORDONII + GARCENIA COMBOGIA + COLEUS FORSKHOLII = SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS SAFELY & EFFECTIVELY

11. What is Hoodia Gordonii?• One of thirteen species which belong to the Hoodia plant family• Naturally found in very dry, hot plains and rocky areas, such as those in South Africa• For generations it has been used by South African Tribes as a tool during long hunting trips into the desert regions. By consuming Hoodia Gordonii prior to their hunt, they have been known to eliminate their hunger for days at a time
12. What does Hoodia Gordonii do?• Eliminates the craving for food and makes you eat less, thereby reducing your weight• Contains ‘P57’ molecule, which tells the Hypothalamus in the brain that you are full even if you aren’t full• Works as a natural appetite suppressant
13. What is Garcenia Combogia?• A fruit indigenous to India and Thailand• Can be helpful in controlling appetite• Triggers fatty acid oxidation in the liver• Acts as an active appetite suppressant
14. What does Garcenia Combogia do?• Promotes fat oxidation• Increases serotonin release and its availability in brain• Normalizes lipid profiles and reduces serum leptin levels in overweight people• Garcinia cambogia extract improves mucosal defensive mechanisms in the stomach and, so, is a good protective agent against gastric ulcers
15. What does Garcenia Combogia do?• Reduces both the volume and acidity of gastric juice• Enhances metabolism• Improves energy levels and strengthens the immune system• The active constituent Hydroxycitric acid or HCA reduces the body’s ability to form adipose(fatty) tissue during times of overeating• Increases glycogen in the liver, which sends a message to the brain indicating satiety, and in turn reduces appetite
16. What is Coleus Forskohlii?• An ancient Ayurvedic plant and member of the mint and lavender family, which grows in the mountains of Asia• Since ancient times, plants of the Coleus species have been used as an herbal medicine to treat various disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems
17. What is Coleus Forskohlii?• The active ingredient in coleus is forskolin, which plays a major role in a variety of important cellular functions, including inhibiting histamine release, relaxing muscles, increasing thyroid function, and increasing fat- burning activity• Forskolin initiates a series of chemical reactions that cause fat cells to basically release their energy and melt away• Forskolin is the only plant derived compound known to directly stimulate the enzyme, adenlylate cyclase, and in turn, stimulates cellular cyclic AMP which boosts our metabolism
18. What does Coleus Forskohlii do?• Increases the bodys metabolism, to burn more calories• Increases utilization of body fat• Breaks down adipose(fat) tissue and prevents production of fatty tissue• Mildly stimulates the metabolism by increasing thyroid hormones and increases the secretion of insulin• Stimulates digestion and is thought to assist in the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine
19. What does Coleus Forskohlii do?• Conditions such as hypothyroidism, eczema, psoriasis are also improved by using coleus; largely due to its ability to increase cyclic AMP• Coleus increases stroke volume, which is the amount of blood pumped in each heart beat, and reduces the risk of blood clots• Coleus lowers high blood pressure by acting to relax the arterial walls
20. VESTIGE SLIMMING CAPSULESBenefits:• Naturally suppresses appetite• Converts fat in to energy• Increases stamina & endurance• Improves metabolism• Strengthens immunity• Aids in weight loss• Helps in weight management• No side-effects

Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.

Vestige Noni

Vestige Noni

Noni Capsules

Noni or Morinda Citrifolia is a fruit found in Southeast Asia containing a mixture of anthraquinones, xeronine, organic acids, vitamins, minerals, nutritional enzymes and polysaccharides. Noni or Morinda Citrifolia helps in cell regeneration and it improves the overall immune system. An effective antioxidant, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-carcinogenic properties. It is also helpful for patients suffering from high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma as well as respiratory and digestive problems.

What is Noni?
Noni, the botanical name for which is Morinda Citrifolia, is a tropical fruit found primarily in the South Pacific.About the size of a potato, Noni can vary in color from white to yellow to green.Tahitians have used Noni for centuries because of its healthful benefits.
It contains Xeronine, which is found in the healthy cells of micro-organisms, plants, animals and humans. It is vital for the proper functioning of all body cells and allows the proteins in our bodies to perform their  individual duties. Xeronine enlarges the pores in the walls of human cells to
enable nutrients to enter the cells easily for increased absorption. Noni is reported to have a broad range of therapeutic effects, including anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti- fungal, anti-tumor anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing effects. It is a rich source of potassium Noni is reported to have a broad range of therapeutic effects, including anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti- fungal, anti-tumor anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing effects. It is a rich source of potassium metabolic system, tissues and cells, skin and hair. It can safely be consumed by the entire family and is beneficial for both young and old.

Benefits of Vestige Noni:
It helps in relieving joint pain, stiffness, joint immobility etc.
·People suffering from respiratory problem benefit greatly from its consumption
·Helps in case of Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis and Rosacea
·Aids in regulating blood sugar and is good for diabetics
·Is useful for people suffering from High blood pressure and Migraines
·Takes care of Hair loss and hair related problems
·People suffering from ailments like constipation, indigestion,
diarrhoea etc. may find relief by consumption of Noni
·Strengthens the immune system as it contains a
number of essential vitamins and minerals

                                Wish You Wellth

Yogesh Chouhan
Vestige Health Care Pvt.Ltd.